
The fall and rise of a gambling addict | Justyn Rees Larcombe | TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWells

This is a shocking story of how a free £5 bet led to a full blown addiction to online gambling. How someone who had it all could loose everything, including his job, his family and his home and then find hope and restoration.

Justyn Rees Larcombe had everything. Highly successful fast-track career. Beautiful wife and three sons. Having lost it all through a relentless addiction to online gambling, he is now campaigning for education and a change in laws, and shares his wisdom for those who may be struggling with secret habits, compulsions and additions of all types.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

48 thoughts on “The fall and rise of a gambling addict | Justyn Rees Larcombe | TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWells”

  1. I’m leaving the casino, just lost my last 5k. I am sick to my stomach. Thank you. I am turning over a new leaf. I can’t believe how fast this addiction took over my life.

  2. Ian Broadhurst

    peple who gamble are nothing more than selfish week horrible sorry bags of bones

  3. The girl from tommorow

    Just as bad as Drugs and alcohol. Elvis manager lost everything he died with a million dollars only he should of had hundreds of millions. It's a bad disease

  4. Evelyn Jackson

    Thank you. I was scared to even look into peoples stories because it is so real I can relate to people. I was selfish I hate myself sometimes but I did take away trust from my husband and family

  5. I'm broken deep down my soul. I am morally crushed and destroyed. Yes you got it right, I am a gambler, who destroyed his fortune. Robbed his own house.

  6. I really look for someone to keep up with me day to day someone who also struggle to quit and keeps falling back…

  7. I’m quitting. I’m going to come back to this comment each month. I’m going to beat this addiction.

  8. I lost 13k the other day, and am devastated about it. i still have around 50k in my savings left. I have job with stable income it is not too late to save myself right?

  9. Adamo Zifanelli

    This sounds like spoken word poetry. Not a story. Hard to take it serious but inspiring regardless

  10. BialyOrzel777

    Its funny noone really talkms about the solution… or meds to help control it… f wierd

  11. Gamblers are born by those itchy parents who do not bother to teach their kids until they grown up to be addicted gambler.

  12. If you to Double your Money fold it over and put it in your pocket !! Been there lost it all and few relapses but definitely in a better place!

  13. Great video… for anyone who wants to stop, take it from my experience..u need to reach out and get tharapy 1 way or another because keeping it to urself and trying to stop by urself when your deep into the addiction…..will beat you everytime if your a pathalogical gambler, also if u do stop… never be complacent…remember this, 1 bet is too much and 1000 bets is never enough…god bless

  14. The biggest gut punching feel is when u bet on a heavy fav and they dont even try to win, ita like the game is fixed.

  15. can all your idiots shut up!! its not important to you… leave it for people hurting and needing real advice

  16. I cried knowing this is me I sold some of my possessions to think I can make it back and I even stole from my partner I absolutely hate myself. I appreciate you for sharing this.

  17. Anyone in need of help or wanna talk with someone? Only USA Just write your name and state and age in comment

  18. Who would like let's talk about it … I'm in real need of a conversation with someone

  19. Lost over 600k loan money in betting,now depressed and will pay my loan till 2028 and I hope stress will not have taken me by then.

  20. The gambler dies every single time he/she puts on a bet…..Complete destruction.. asking for help to my family helps me to get rid of the illness

  21. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ not only saved our souls but if you ask Him, He will save you from yourself. Not only will He be your strength but He will eliminate the urge. How merciful and forgiving He is. Just go the Father and receive your blessings! In Jesus’ name 🙏🏼🙌🏼 Amen!

  22. Timothy Ernest

    No, it's the consistent losing without winning and the increasing depth of the hole you have dug yourself into that destroys the gambler. If you ever hear anyone say they are a " professional gambler" I'll show you a woman or man who is a liar and broke …both as in financially and as a productive , happy and healthy human being.

  23. Jacob Marboro

    Can someone send me a link on the recovery courses? I’d say I’m just as bad as the gentleman in the video and I very much need a change

  24. exist in the now

    I just watched this for school. And I hope this guy is doing very well and his family too. But I did not believe him that he had any remorse, and did not feel any actual sincerity from him.

  25. I've been a social gambler for six years, and it was nothing crazy until now. The last two months are a nightmare. I'm currently in debt to my brother and my mother. Yesterday I've gambled my salary away which I was working really hard for, working overtime for it. Last weeks my thoughts were only focused on cutting my losses by placing a correct bet on the correct soccer game. The only way to cut losses though is to stop betting and focus on your job. God bless everybody!

  26. Cow dung log - गोबर से गौ-काष्ट

    why tell this sorry tale of yours. You gambled and lost. Period. We are compulsive gamblers and when we gamble, already knowing that in long run we will lose; there is no way under the sky that we will win in a short run also. we do gamble coz we have nothing better to do. consequences are known all the time

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