
Straight bets : Sure profit Roulette winning trick : online casino games

Roulette win tricks
Straight bets
Online casino games roulette wheel
Best Roulette winning strategy
Sure Profit Strategy
Bank roll management system in Roulette
Make money online Roulette Casino Games
Finance management in Roulette

This is the best roulette Winning system is played ever. The system works well in online Roulette as well as live casino games. Predicting the next number is impossible in Roulette but we can put our bet in such places that it will hit at least once in every 5-6 spin.

This tricks ensure quick Profit with minimum risk. It gives you good return while protecting your bankroll. It’s efficiency increases in online Roulette then live roulette. The simplicity of this strategy is easy to execute in online Roulette you nend to put all your bet in quick time you can’t manage 8-10 place in 15 second so this system allows you to put just 3 bet and also it ensure your win as it covers 12 numbers out of 37 from the table.
Just play with this trick and enjoy the profit

25 thoughts on “Straight bets : Sure profit Roulette winning trick : online casino games”

  1. Somenath Karmakar

    Sir. Can u please inform me at present time which casino in Asia are reopen. I'm from india. Where is suitable for me

  2. tapan kumar naha

    You do NOT cover your loss after end of 3$ spin
    What happens if you lose on 10 th SPIN

  3. Khaled Alsuwaidi

    I’m sorry but what kind of strategy is this maybe I should give you some tips. Thanks anyway.

  4. Thanks for sharing. But if you get really unlucky, which is most probably the case when you just covering 8 numbers, you will run out of cash quick, but if you are on lucky streak this method can work for sure for a short time. If you ever want to potentially win on roulette on longer sessions you need to cover areas of the wheel and not stick on same numbers your whole life. And this aint easy to predict. All other methods will fail on the long term. Try your tactic for like 2 hours on a test table and you will down alot, most probably backrupt. I tried many tactics, all seem to fail on the long term, only thing left is predicting where on the wheel the ball will land. And thats really hard to do. If you get it like 33% of the time you should be fine if you make proper bets. 8 numbers give you a change of just 21,6% of winning, And since every spin is unique and your changes will be to low. There is no history or such thing as "surely my numbers needs to come in the next spin" in roulette, people forget that, i seen tables with the ball landing on red for like 30 times in a row. Same goes for rows, dozens etc. Each spin is unique and has nothing todo with any previous spins. Any tactic involved "this number will come up", will fail. You never know when the number comes, you number can be skipped for like 100 spins easily, you cant bet against 100 losing spins in a row, you need a table with a limit of 1 billion and you need a thicc wallet as well 😉

  5. Sir I am Indian and very poor people I am losses the cricket betting sir how can I win and cover the losses chances you told me best platform…

  6. Paride Mirandola

    Non capisco quali numeri puntare poichè li cambiate ogni volta ed io non con quale regola applicate in quanto non conosco la lingua inglese, Potete inviarmi via email tale metodo al seguente indirizzo. [email protected] Grazie infinite

  7. Pawn tripathi Tripathi

    If u think this strategy is fine and never give a losee . Then why dont we choose 8 no.s in a single row

  8. This is simply an 8-number progressive bet. Like any progressive bet on roulette it is easy to reach the table limit and then you have lost quite a bit of money.

  9. ElectronicSkateboard

    Another sure losing "trrrick"!
    Down hundreds of dollars throughout the video, losing your ass, than suddenly end the video after you've barely recovered, LOL

  10. ElectronicSkateboard

    No such thing as too low! Lower the minimum bet, the better. Where do you get this crap?

  11. CheetosBaccarat

    Still prefer the red and 2 columns strategy. I start with 15$ with 0,25c bet and I am now at 50$, will increase my bet to 0,50c

  12. What if you have not won through the whole 10bet cycle? Do you go back to 1 unit bets or do you increase your bet even further?

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