Mob Fashion: The Best Dressed Wiseguys | Sitdown with Michael Franzese

Are you curious about how the Mob dressed back in the day? Our subscribers have been asking about it, so in this video, I’ll be sharing my thoughts on who were some of the best-dressed Mob guys. From sharp suits to stylish accessories, the Mob had a unique sense of fashion that has inspired many. I’ll also be discussing how dressing well can make an impression and how it’s something that even young people in detention centers admire. So if you want to learn more about Mob fashion and how it influenced the culture, then don’t miss this video.

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48 thoughts on “Mob Fashion: The Best Dressed Wiseguys | Sitdown with Michael Franzese”

  1. Interesting subject.I enjoyed this video. I am a small hat collector I love the fedora it's got style all its own

  2. Chester St. Yves Channel

    One of the things I like about the mobsters is how they carry themselves. More than looking good, its a strategy to manage their enemies and the government.

  3. Sonny Corleone

    Al Capone man Vincenzo Antonio Gibaldi better known as "Machinegun Mcgurn" was a pretty flashy dresser too!

  4. Even a well dressed crook is still a crook..i.e. you can put perfume on a pig, but it will still be a pig. Deception 101 folks, don't fall for it.

  5. Every time I see Meyer Lansky, and Lucky Luciano in their hats, I understand why the Ant Hill mob from Wacky Races looked like they did

  6. On the flip side, I remember a line in “Goodfellas, “ when the crew were being rounded up one by one, and one of the cops quipped, “I see your tailor has a great sense of humour.”
    I still laugh at that line.

  7. Stephen Smith. father guide

    When I. Say. The. Art. Of. War. That includes. Sun. Tzu. Who. Is. Quated. In. The. Sopranos. But read. Machiavelli. Th. Prince.

  8. Stephen Smith. father guide

    For. Me. It. As be. Lucky. Luciano. But business. Wise. Camouflage. What. You. Wear. Read. The. Art. Of. War. Machiavelli. Smith Scotland. Keep. Safe and. Enjoy. Your. Life. Long live. Of. William. Wallace

  9. We know what Frank Lucas said about clothes.

    “The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room.”

  10. Trevor Thompson

    You always look GQ Michael. Joe Esposito, one of Elvis's Memphis mafia guys, said they got the idea of Mohair suits from real mob guys. Your dad sounds like a unique, fun guy. I like Fedora's as well. I agree, Michael; you can't erase history. Great video! Really enjoyed it!

  11. audiophile man

    I have to agree about John Gotti being a dedicated follower of fashion. He was the sharpest dresser. Despite that, Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel should have been higher up on the list.

  12. Michael, You need to start a Rumble Channel, with Locals subscription to answer questions after each episode it is little additional effort and your income will likely more than double immediately and more as the locals subscriptions grow. Normally Id want my 10% cut, but we will let this one slide in the name of promotion of freedom of speech that Rumble practices, over woke Youtube!

  13. Tony "Fat Tony" Salerno

    Agree about the fedora look every one wore suits back then too. Now we dress crazy tight pants showing the peen outline 😂

  14. Tony "Fat Tony" Salerno

    They say John Gotti got his style from Joe Watts not sure how true that is but apparently Watts was a great dresser as well

  15. I gotta confess Michael, I've been wasting my time on Instagram. You have real content.

  16. Bridget Draper

    Mr. Franzese has the movie star good looks, extremely well spoken due to a brilliant mind, beautiful soul, man of God. Thank you for all you share.

  17. i have a question which is unrelated, but i would love an answer for – some mobsters, for example Whitey Bulger, made millions of dollars, but has always been low-key, never bought expensive stuff so he wouldnt attract attention etc…what is the purpose of living the life, if you dont ever enjoy the money?

  18. francisco jose gomez

    Hello from Spain, Mr. Franzese. Is there any posibility to get your wine distribution here in Sapin in the future?

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