
UK House Of Lords Call For IMMEDIATE Loot Box Regulation Under Gambling Laws, EA/FIFA In Big Trouble


– Aiten Williams
– Brin
– Jonathan Ball
– Phil
– WECKmaster 329
– Alex Moretti
– Charlie Galvin
– Devon B
– Joe Hunt
– Michael Redmond
– Peter Vrba
– Shepard Gaming
– Time Dragonlord
– Abdulaziz al Senaidi
– BattleBladeWar
– Gerardo Andrade
– Mark Taylor
– Theron Webb
– Yue

36 thoughts on “UK House Of Lords Call For IMMEDIATE Loot Box Regulation Under Gambling Laws, EA/FIFA In Big Trouble”

  1. EA: surprise Pikachu face

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    – Aiten Williams

    [BIG BOSS]

    – Brin

    – Jonathan Ball

    – Phil

    – WECKmaster 329


    – Alex Moretti

    – Charlie Galvin

    – Devon B

    – Joe Hunt

    – Michael Redmond

    – Peter Vrba

    – Shepard Gaming

    – Time Dragonlord


    – Abdulaziz al Senaidi

    – BattleBladeWar

    – Gerardo Andrade

    – Mark Taylor

    – Theron Webb

    – Yue

  2. Welcome to assisted living and the passing of parenthood to the government.
    Of course, many F2P players will be grumpy if their game switches to subscription only.

    How on earth can a kid empty their parents bank account???
    If you give your teenager a credit card, you do it for a limited bank account without any credit.

  3. I play F1 series of games. During this holiday season, I went to the Playstation Store to buy F1 2021, and to my surprise, I saw something called Pit Coins. I left the store in a hurry without buying the game. So sad. I see Codemasters is fully integrated to the EA fold.

  4. I agree its gambling and I agree that ea sucks and I agree that lootboxes suck but wtf is making them a higher rating when kids are so desensitized to sex drugs and violence. These is just a image fix and not an actual fix kids will still buy these games and games will still buy lootboxes

  5. This is good, but i hope they do it in a way that wont immediately fuck all f2p games that rely on loot boxes cuz some are really good.

    They can fuck EA up tho, thats fine.

  6. the mircotranscation shit is why I mainly stick with indie games, and games I know for a fact it wont be filled with mircotransactions

  7. Fight against lootbox is only like 5% of the entire plague thats terrorizing games nowadays. Look into predatory monitization tactics to see how far the psychological manipulation goes.

  8. Okay I'm gonna call it right now. gaming companies are just gonna start selling either start selling items with randomized stats so you can get an item you want with junk stats and have to buy again OR there gonna sell what you want at much higher rates.

  9. Loot boxes are disgusting but we also cannot ignore the fact that these parents children who quote on quote have their bank accounts being used up need to put a rein on their children

  10. They feel more like casino games, with a sports game on the side

    Congratulations! you've figured out the 'not so' hidden nature of 'every' sports game in the world.

  11. Many people here see the house of Lords as outdated and anachronistic, but I see their life peerage as making them above the power scramble of party politics. The Lords live broadcast is really interesting in how reasonable it is compared to the house of commons.

  12. If the UK ban loot boxes, the EU probably will too. And the EU is one hell of a big market. It would basically remove loot boxes globally.

  13. The addictivity bullet point worries me. Every game is addictive by design. I hope they'll just focus on the gambling stuff like the boxes, and not games themselves.

  14. I simply don't play Fifa or 2k sports games NBA anymore because of the the gambling mechanics loot boxes ect, it's a shame because i miss playing them, i won't for one second support it, hopefully these laws get in forced and sports games become sports games again, that would be great.

  15. Don't underestimate the cynicism of US politicians compared to the other legislative bodies. It's going to be a much harder fight for us.

  16. I love to see that the tides are turning against video game companies and loot boxes and paid DLC are now starting to be phased out

  17. I just got an ad for a gambling app, while watching a video about politicians trying to take gambling out of games.

  18. People are responsible for their own decisions. It ain't on a company to tell you to stop spending your money. If you need someone to come hold your hand because you lack self control, you probably need to just let someone else take care of your money completely.

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