Top 5 List- Why Online Casinos are better than land based casinos
Lets face it, online slots can’t compete with land based casinos for the pure thrill and excitement of the lights, the sounds, the glamour, the sensory overload intoxicates you. Walking the aisles watching people screaming with excitement as they hit a jackpot, as you search for that perfect machine that is ready to pay you big money!…And those fancy themed carousel slots that immerse you in the excitement of it all with floor to ceiling graphics and vibrating chairs creating a thrilling sensory overload.
But there are some pretty amazing advantages to playing online Slots vs land based casinos.
The number #1 reason is payback percentage.
Online slots casinos don’t have the high overhead of land based casinos so they can afford to give higher playback percentages to their players.
Recent evidence of this is the fact that land based casinos in Atlantic City recently lowered the payback percentage on their slots in an effort to increase profits due to the slowdown in Atlantic City . The slowdown caused by the proliferation of casinos in neighboring states and the rise in popularity of online slots casinos.
Some reputable online casino software providers like NetEnt actually show the payback percentage of all their slot games. Players just have to click on the info button and the return to player will be listed as a percentage. Try to find that kind of transparency in a land based casino!
Number #2 reason that online casinos are better than their land based counterparts- Convenience
The convenience factor is huge! You don’t have to travel to get there. If you live in a northern climate you know what a benefit it is not to leave the house when the weather is bad.
-You don’t have to get dressed
-If you get up to use the washroom –no one will be on your machine when you get back.
-no one will be sitting next to you banging on their machine or annoying you with their good luck screen wiping rituals.
-we’ve all experienced the frustration of trying to find the machine we want to play in a busy casino
With online there is no wait- no hassles- no jammed machines- no bad smells emanating from next to you.
The #3 reason that online casinos kick land based casinos butts is ‘SELECTION’
Online casinos have a lot more slots to chose from than land based casinos.
And Companies like Netent and Microgaming are making slots that rival the playing excitement of any land based casino slots.
And they are introducing new ones constantly
The number #4 reason that online slots are better than land based casinos are the Bonuses
With so many online casinos competing for your business- casinos are quite generous with their bonuses- Not only do online casinos reward their loyal players like land based casinos do but they will even give a player a bonus just for signing up.
The number 5 reason that an online casino crushes land based casinos is the Free Play Feature
We have all had experience in a land based casino playing a game for the first time and not being familiar with the game , we either wagered too much per spin or chose some option that made us lose money quickly because we weren’t familiar with the game.
With online casinos if you want to get familiar with the game before wagering any money you can just click the play for free option and see if the game suits you before betting real currency.

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